Do you think i should share my images in PNG or JPEG form?
PNG images are great for art because they keep lines sharp and clear without any fuzziness. They are also lossless, meaning that when you convert them to other formats, the image quality remains high, with no data loss. This makes them ideal for artwork and graphics that require precision and detail.
JPEG images, on the other hand, are much smaller in file size, taking up about 3-4 times less space. They also load faster, making them perfect for use on websites and when sharing images online. However, they may lose some quality, especially around sharp lines and edges, due to compression.
In the past I've used JPEGs, but I think there's merit to both. What do you think?
JPEGs, but also post the lossless versions somewhere else so that we can have high quality versions if we wanted to
I see, that's a good idea!